Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Caching policies over unreliable channels

Recently, there has been substantial progress in the formal understanding of how caching resources should be allocated when multiple caches each deploy the common LRU policy. Nonetheless, the role played by caching policies beyond LRU in a networked setting where content may be replicated across multiple caches and where channels are unreliable is still poorly understood. In this paper, we investigate this issue by first analyzing the cache miss rate in a system with two caches of unit size each, for the LRU, and the LFU caching policies, and their combination. Our analytical results show that joint use of the two policies outperforms LRU, while LFU outperforms all these policies whenever resource pooling is not optimal. We provide empirical results with larger caches to show that simple alternative policies, such as LFU, provide superior performance compared to LRU even if the space allocation is not fine tuned. We envision that fine tuning the cache space used by such policies may lead to promising additional gains.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Levantamento das Estruturas Organizacionais em Organizaçoes Autônomas Descentralizadas Baseadas em Blockchain

As Organizações Autônomas Descentralizadas Baseadas em Blockchain (Blockchain-Based Decentralized Autonomous Organizations-BCDAO) são sistemas que realizam tomadas de decisões visando a segurança. A estrutura organizacional é um aspecto que pode contribuir para a eficiência (eg, reduzindo gastos redundantes de recursos, esforços e tempo), no entanto, este aspecto não é explicito no desenvolvimento de BCDAO. Neste estudo é apresentado um levantamento das estruturas organizacionais baseadas na literatura de Sistema Multiagente (Multiagent System-MAS) BCDAO, que incluem hierarquia, holarquia, sociedade e mercados. O estudo descreve cada uma das estruturas organizacionais e como elas são empregadas em BCDAO, com o intuito de facilitar a avaliação comparativa de estilos organizacionais. Com isso, objetiva-se permitir a projetistas conhecer o espectro de possibilidades atual e, então, guiar a seleção de uma estrutura organizacional apropriada para um domínio de aplicação particular.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Seleção de características por clusterização para melhorar a detecção de ataques de rede

Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão (IDSs) baseados em aprendizado de máquina (AM) vêm sendo amplamente utilizados para detectar tráfego malicioso e ataques às redes. Entretanto, essas abordagens ainda apresentam grandes dificuldades para detectar os diferentes tipos de ataques que vêm se aprimorando. Neste contexto, dentre os passos requeridos para uma avaliação baseada em AM, a seleção de características tem grande importância para propiciar maior eficiência na detecção de anomalias e ataques de rede, sendo ainda um problema em aberto. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem que realiza a seleção de características baseada em clusters para melhorar a detecção de ataques e tráfegos anômalos na rede. A proposta cria também um ranque com as características de tráfego que mais contribuíram para o incremento nos acertos dos algoritmos. Os resultados mostraram um desempenho superior às demais propostas avaliadas para cinco diferentes tipos de ataques, considerando a métrica F1 score.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vsdnemul: Emulando de redes definidas por softwares através de contêineres docker

O maior desafio no desenvolvimento de emuladores de redes SDN é torná-los mais realistas, versáteis e abertos. Além disso, eles também devem oferecer aplicações reais em seus experimentos, porém, devido à complexidade de integrá-las ao emulador, estas características nem sempre são desenvolvidas. Para oferecer uma solução mais diversificada e flexível que as atuais (ex. Mininet ou vEmulab), este artigo apresenta o vSDNEmul, um emulador de redes SDN onde os nós são baseados em contêineres Docker.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Padroes de Projetos para Organizaçoes de Contratos Inteligentes

Atualmente diferentes campos estão utilizando blockchain e contratos inteligentes para prover segurança aos sistemas. Esses sistemas podem utilizar múltiplos contratos inteligentes que se coordenam e cooperam entre si para alcançar seus objetivos, ou seja, formam uma organização de contratos inteligentes (Smart Contracts Organization-SCO). Portanto, esse estudo apresenta padrões de projetos de diferentes estruturas organizacionais baseadas na literatura de Sistema Multiagente (Multiagent System-MAS) e na de SCO, que incluem hierarquia, holarquia, sociedade e mercado. Os padrões de projetos são descritos, os sistemas que os apresentam são expostos e uma forma de avaliação e validação é proposta.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Modelo de Otimização de Alocação de Recursos em LoRaWAN para Aplicações de Internet das Coisas

O LoRaWAN é a tecnologia sem fio de longo alcance mais utilizada para aplicações de Internet das Coisas (IoT) que trabalham com alta densidade, pois é capaz de conectar dispositivos que requerem serviços de comunicação de longo alcance, baixo custo e menor consumo de energia. Contudo, a densificação do uso de LoRaWAN em serviços IoT traz uma série de desafios devido a interferência por transmissão simultânea no mesmo canal e/ou maior consumo de energia pelos dispositivos. Nesse contexto, é crucial entender os conceitos de alocação de recursos do LoRaWAN para otimizar a configuração de parâmetros específicos do rádio, ie, Fator de Espalhamento (SF) e Frequência de portadora (CF), em que a otimização dos parâmetros de transmissão via modelos de otimização é um desafio em aberto. Este artigo apresenta o MARCO, um modelo de otimização de alocação de recursos para minimizar a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) do LoRaWAN para aplicações de IoT, além de contribuir para a melhora da eficiência enérgica dos dispositivos. O MARCO considera uma programação linear inteira mista para definir as configurações ideais dos parâmetros SF e CF, bem como especificações de trafego da rede como um todo. Resultados de simulação demonstram a eficiência em termos de taxa de extração de dados, número de colisões e consumo de energia do MARCO em comparação com as heurísticas de alocação de recursos para LoRaWAN existentes.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

An efficient heuristic LoRaWAN adaptive resource allocation for IoT applications

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) enables flexible long-range communication with low power consumption and low-cost design perspectives. However, the adoption of this technology brings new challenges due to the densification of IoT devices, which causes signal interference and affects the QoS directly. On the other hand, the flexibility in the LoRaWAN transmission configurations allows higher management in the use of end-device parameters, which allows better resource utilization and improves network scalability. This paper proposes an adaptive solution to handle the define best LoRaWAN parameter settings to reduce the channel utilization and, consequently, maximize the number of packets delivered. Additionally, to validate our method, we formulated mixed-Integer linear programming and results compared to those given by the heuristics. Results provided by the heuristic are close to those provided by the MILP.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

An Online Quantitative Measure of Density for Low-Power IoT Networks

Low-Power Internet-of-Things (LPIoT) networks are formed by a massive number of power-constrained devices that use short-range wireless technologies to communicate. In the next years, the density of LPIoT networks tends to grow due to the low price of the IoT devices and the popularity of the IoT applications, which includes smart-home, building-monitoring, and smart-cities. Despite being a critical feature, often it is not clear how network density can be expressed in quantifiable terms. This letter proposes DENSity indeX (DENX), which is a measure for the density of LPIoT networks. DENX has been designed, implemented, and evaluated as an IoT platform tool to provide an online and fine-grained measure of density.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNLight: Uma Proposta de Arquitetura Leve para Provisionamento de Redes Virtuais Definidas por Software

Para construção de redes virtuais definidas por softwares (vSDN), também conhecidas como slices da infraestrutura física, é necessário a utilização de soluções de hipervisores SDN. No entanto, essas soluções vêm apresentando grandes limitações de escalabilidade e desempenho, por causa de sua arquitetura baseada em proxy de serviços. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de orquestração diferente do modelo atual provendo redes virtuais definidas por softwares através da alocação de instancias de switches virtuais sob demanda diretamente em dispositivos de comutação de baixo custo.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Soluçao de Nodos de Baixo Armazenamento para o Futuro da Internet

Em blockchain, os nodos completos (NCs) armazenam todas as transações existentes e são responsáveis por validar novos blocos. A quantidade de dados armazenados por NCs vem aumentando significativamente nas principais blockchains, como a do Bitcoin. O excesso de dados de blockchains aumenta a sobrecarga de armazenamento e processamento nos NCs, podendo causar a redução de validadores e armazenadores dos dados e colocando em risco o princípio de descentralização em blockchain. Este artigo propõe um mecanismo de armazenamento dos dados menos custoso para NCs de blockchain. O mecanismo visa diminuir a sobrecarga de armazenamento e processamento nos NCs, e garantir a característica de descentralização da rede.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Projeto NECOS: Rumo ao Fatiamento Leve de Recursos em Infraestruturas de Nuvens Federadas

O projeto Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing (NECOS) propouma solução que visa automatizar o processo de configuração otimizada de nuvem e rede, fornecendo um gerenciamento uniforme com um alto nível de autonomia para os recursos de computação conectividade e armazenamento atualmente separados, baseado no conceito LSDC (Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud). Neste artigo, discute-se a motivação, objetivos, arquitetura, desafios de pesquisa e esforços iniciais do projeto NECOS através dos casos de uso definidos.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Desenvolvimento de redes comunitárias na região amazônica com uso de redes em malha sem fio através da plataforma LibreMesh

Currently, there are about 3.6 billion people in the world without any kind of Internet access. Parallel to this, we have the connectivity as a funda-mental part for insertion of the individual in a globalized society. Thus, with the understanding of Internet access as a basic right of citizenship, the con-cept of community networks arises. This network is characterized by low cost, minimal complexity, ease of deployment and expansion, as well as the active participation of the beneficiary community in its development. This study in-tends to describe the process of implementation of a community network with application of wireless mesh network using the LibreMesh free platform in the community of Boa Vista do Acarain Para.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Slices como serviço sobre um centro de dados itinerante aplicado ao cenário amazônico

A virtualização e o fatiamento de recursos vêm se tornando abordagens chaves para automatizar, tornar mais eficiente e econômico o processo de configuração de nuvens, habilitando a oferta de serviços ágeis e dinâmicos. Este artigo apresenta o Centro de Dados Itinerante (Itinerant Data Center IDC), com o objetivo de levar serviços essenciais para regiões sem ou com pouca infraestrutura, utilizando a plataforma NECOS, para fornecer uma solução sustentável, de baixo custo e com pouco consumo de energia, que utiliza computação em nuvem, virtualização e fatiamento como serviço.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A decentralized protocol for securely storing and sharing health records

Cloud computing allows for on demand storage and sharing of records with high degree of availability. However, storing a health record in a cloud provider requires trusting it for the record security. By mitigating it, current approaches focus on confidentiality and access control while not properly handling data integrity. This paper presents a protocol that employs attribute-based cryptography and decentralized networks for secure storage and sharing of health records. The solution addresses confidentiality, access control and integrity of records. A proof of concept of the protocol was implemented and load tests were executed in order to demonstrate its practical feasibility.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A Methodology for Classification and Evaluation of IoT Brokers

Since the term Internet of Things (IoT) was coined by Kevin Ashton on 1999, a bundle of middleware platforms has been developed to cope with important challenges such as the integration of different technologies. Is in this context of heterogeneous technologies that IoT message brokers become key elements for the proper function of smart systems and wireless sensor networks (WSN) infrastructures. This article proposes a methodology for classification and evaluation of brokers by using qualitative analysis, so to help in the selection of the more suitable brokers according to the given scenario and needs. The methodology uses the quality reference model described on the ISO/IEC 25010 normative from the SQuaRE set of standards published by the ISO/IEC conjunction. In the implementation case we developed the proposal with 9 different open source brokers so to validate the applicability and feasibility of our methodology.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Adjusting group communication in dense internet of things networks with heterogeneous energy sources

Internet-of-Things (IoT) environments will have a large number of nodes organized into groups to collect and to disseminate data. In this sense, one of the main challenges in IoT environments is to dynamically manage communication characteristics of IoT devices to decrease congestion, traffic collisions, and excessive data collection, as well as to balance the use of energy resources. In this paper, we introduce an energy-efficient and reliable Self Adjusting group communication of dense IoT Network, called SADIN. It configures the communication settings to ensure a dynamic control of IoT devices considering a comprehensive set of aspects, ie, traffic loss, event relevance, amount of nodes with renewable batteries, and the number of observers. Specifically, SADIN changes the communication interval, the number of data producers, the reliability level of the network. Extensive evaluation results show that SADIN improves system performance in terms of message loss, energy consumption, and reliability compared to state-of-the-art protocol.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Towards High Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) protocols provide the fundamental mechanisms to collect data from low power devices and lossy networks. IoT protocols collect data blocks from the devices in messages that have one header and a single payload, regardless the size of the payload. This paper presents a solution to collect small size data blocks from low power devices in an efficient way, carrying these data blocks in the payload of a single message. Current solutions do not offer manners to gather many small blocks of data and reduce the overhead of the communication. The proposed solution is a light-weight layer designed to operate with the standard IoT protocol stack aiming to reduce the energy consumption of the energy constrained devices without lowering the data accuracy. The proposed solution was developed in Contiki devices and the measurements conducted on a testbed showed up to 14% energy savings.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Topology Resilience Evaluation and Enhancement in Software Defined Networks

Software Defined Networks separates the control and forwarding planes, facilitating and flexibilizing the management of networking. However, the interaction between these planes introduces different vulnerabilities to the network, raising new resilience concerns. To assist the planning phase of a Software Defined Network deployment, this paper proposes the application of topological augmentation algorithms to increase the resilience of topologies as indicated by a resilience factor, through optimizations on both control and forwarding planes. In parallel, a brute force controller placement algorithm is applied, for performance comparisons. Tests results demonstrate that the improvement on the test topologies’ resilience characteristics obtained by the joint optimization of both planes surpasses even the most optimal controller placement.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Content Placement Aware Cache Decision: A Caching Policy Based on the Content Replacement Ratio for Information-Centric Network

Information-Centric Network (ICN) has been an emerging network paradigm for Future Internet based on a host-to-content approach. In this model, both router and users devices are able to store content. One of the key features of ICN is in-network content caching, reducing bandwidth consumption, server load and even enhancing QoE of end-users. ICN behavior is determined by a 3-tuple, which are routing, content insertion and content replacement. Besides, Routing algorithms influence content insertion performance and, which in turn, influences in replacement policies performance. Furthermore, it is proven that content insertion policies influence routing performance and there is no work regarded to analyze the impact of replacement algorithms in content insertion. Therefore this paper proposed a new caching metric called Replacement Ratio and a dynamic content insertion strategy named RatioCache to prove that content replacement, which is strongly bounded to caching system, also influence the caching process. Our results improved up to 110% cache hit ratio, and reduced up to 30% server load and latency up to 10%, thus RatioCache performance shows replacement policies influence caching policies and enhances network performance.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Compartilhamento Seguro de Arquivos de Saúde usando Criptografia Baseada em Atributos e Redes Descentralizadas

A computação em nuvem possibilita o armazenamento e o compartilhamento de arquivos sob demanda com alta taxa de disponibilidade para aárea da saúde. Contudo, utilizar um provedor de nuvem para armazenar um arquivo de saúde significa confiar a ele a segurança do arquivo. Ao mitigar isso, as abordagens da literatura preocupam-se apenas com a confidencialidade e o controle de acesso, não tratando adequadamente a integridade dos dados. Esse trabalho apresenta o protocolo Decentralized Sharing of Health Records (DSHR), que utiliza criptografia baseada em atributos e redes descentralizadas para o compartilhamento seguro de arquivos de saúde, tratando a confidencialidade, o controle de acesso e a integridade dos arquivos. Uma prova de conceito do DSHR foi implementada e testes de carga foram executados para demonstrar a sua viabilidade prática.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Uma Política de Inserção de Conteúdo baseada na Correlação entre Medidas de Centralidade para Redes Centradas em Conteúdo

O cache em rede é uma importante característica de Redes Centrada em Conteúdo (RCCs). A escolha dos nodos que armazenarão o conteúdo é um grande desafio e uma boa maneira de fazer isso é através de medidas de centralidade de rede, que descrevem a importância de um nodo, dada uma característica. Entretanto, o grande número de medidas torna a escolha dos nodos ainda mais desafiadora, pois é incerto se uma medida escolhida resultará num alto desempenho em diferentes cenários, dada a sua forte dependência da estrutura topológica. Por conta disso, uma boa alternativa seria considerar a correlação entre elas para selecioná-los. Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma política de inserção de conteúdo baseada na correlação entre medidas de centralidade para selecionaráquelas forte ou mais fortemente correlacionadas para armazenar o conteúdo nos seus nodos correspondentes. Por meio de simulação e utilizando uma boa variedade de topologias nos testes, nossa proposta superou o desempenho das políticas de inserção em termos de taxa de acertos de conteúdo e tempo médio de download.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

NECOS Project: Towards Lightweight Slicing of Cloud Federated Infrastructures

The Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing (NECOS) project addresses the limitations of current cloud computing infrastructures to respond to the demand for new services, as presented in two use-cases, that will drive the whole execution of the project. The first use-case is focused on Telco service provider and is oriented towards the adoption of cloud computing in their large networks. The second use-case is targeting the use of edge clouds to support devices with low computation and storage capacity. The envisaged solution is based on a new concept, the Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud (LSDC), as an approach that extends the virtualization to all the resources in the involved networks and data centers and provides uniform management with a high-level of orchestration. In this position paper, we discuss the motivation, objectives, architecture, research challenges (and how to overcome them) and initial efforts for the NECOS project.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNEmul: Emulador de Redes Definidas Por Software Usando Contêineres

Um dos maiores desafios para emuladores de redes SDN são faze-los cada vez mais realistas, versáteis e abertos. Além disso, eles também devem oferecer aplicações reais em seus experimentos, porém, devido a complexidade de integra-los ao emulador estas características não são desenvolvidas. Portanto, para oferecer uma solução mais diversificada que as atuais (ex. Mininet ou vEmulab). Este artigo propõe o vSDNEmul, uma alternativa de emulador de redes SDN onde os nós são baseados em contêineres. Além disso, o artigo também descreve a sua arquitetura e API.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

DLCP: Um Protocolo para a Operação Segura de Clientes Leves em Blockchains

Em blockchains, nodos completos (NCs) são pares que armazenam e verificam todas as transações contidas nos blocos, enquanto clientes leves (CLs) são aqueles que solicitam apenas os cabeçalhos dos blocosá um NC, realizando verificações mais simples. Para lidar com comportamentos maliciosos, a abordagem convencional para garantir o recebimento dos cabeçalhos originais é solicitá-losá múltiplos NCs e comparar as respostas recebidas. Essa abordagem, contudo, requer que um CL estabeleça conexões seguras com cada NC, o que resulta em maior sobrecarga e tempo de resposta. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho propõe o Distributed Lightweight Client Protocol (DLCP), que demanda criptografar uma requisição de cabeçalhos apenas uma vez para um conjunto de NCs, que, por sua vez, retornam umaúnica resposta para o CL. Avaliações preliminares mostraram que o DLCP provê menor latência que a abordagem convencional e reduz a sobrecarga nos CLs.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNBox: Um Hardware Especializado de Baixo Custo Gerenciado via SDN

Os switches whitebox vêm sendo uma alternativa vantajosa para o plano de dados SDN. Eles permitem tanto a redução nas despesas como também a ampliação dos níveis de heterogeneidade de fabricantes na infraestrutura de rede. Recentes ferramentas possibilitaram que os whiteboxes baseados em software-switches pudessem ampliar seus desempenhos apenas com otimizações feitas via softwares abertos em hardwares genéricos. A partir disso, propõe-se o vSDNBox, uma alternativa de whitebox software-switched para redes definidas por software, capaz de reduzir ainda mais os custos e ampliar o desempenho através de seu gerenciamento e otimizações feitas via software no espaço do usuário. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que a proposta consegue ter um desempenho igual ou aproximado de um whitebox hardwareswitched através de avaliações de vazão e latência.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

DLCP: A protocol for securing light client operation in blockchains

In blockchain, full nodes (FNs) are peers that store and verify entire chains of transactions, and light clients (LCs) are those which outsource chain verification to FNs (as they lack computing resources required to do so). In general, LCs perform simpler verification protocols, e.g. Simple Payment Verification (SPV), by offloading the execution of blockchain operations to FNs. To cope with byzantine faults (like malicious behavior), a current approach for blockchain transaction verification is requiring that LCs outsource their requests to multiple FNs, and compare received results. This approach, however, requires that LCs establish secure connections to each FN, which leads to client-side complexity and slower verification. To tackle this issue, we propose Distributed Lightweight Client Protocol (DLCP), a protocol for secure verification in blockchain. In summary, DLCP requires LCs to encrypt a request once, allowing a pre-determined set of FNs to access and process it. Through DLCP, LCs become able to verify whether FNs have agreed on the operation outcome. From some preliminary evaluation, we observed that DLCP decreased computing and communication overhead in LCs, while providing lower latency.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Topology resilience enhancement for software defined networks

Software Defined Networks is a paradigm that flexibilizes the management of networking, separating the control and forwarding planes. This separation introduces new concerns towards the resilience of the network, which now presents different vulnerabilities related to the interaction between these planes. A resilience factor for Software Defined Networks is proposed, using multiple metrics to analyze intrinsic features of its architecture, serving as an indication for its resilience. Beyond that, topological augmentation algorithms are employed to increase the resilience of test topologies, as indicated by the proposed factor. Tests results demonstrate an improvement of the topologies’ resilience characteristics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

FI-MApp: a web application for managing FI-WARE environments in internet of things

The FI-WARE project aims to create a core platform for the Future Internet. However, such a platform has failed to promote the centralization of its services, since it did not offer a unified development framework. In addition, it demands a great effort to use the platform, due to extensive, disordered and scattered documentation. In this context, the present work explored the FI-WARE service for enabling the Internet of Things (IoT). The main goal was to develop a Web application for an integrated visualization and management of the resources offered by FI-WARE IoT enabling services. Called FI-MApp, the proposed Web application acts as a bridge (middleware) between the FI-WARE IoT service and its managers. FI-MApp is shown as suitable solution in this scenario because the FI-WARE APIs have already been implemented following the RESTful Web service architecture. Through its simple and intuitive user interface, the FI-MApp Web application make it easy for both managing and visualizing FI-WARE IoT environments from different parts of the world by offering features, such as registering new IoT devices and data collection from both real and virtual sensors.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Securing light clients in blockchain with DLCP

In blockchain, full nodes (FNs) are peers that store and verify entire chains of transactions. In contrast, light clients (LCs) are those with limited resources, and for this reason, they request only block headers from FNs for transac- tion verification—using protocols like Simple Payment Verification (SPV). In an approach to prevent FN tampering on transaction verification (byzantine fault), LCs request block headers from multiple FNs and compare received responses. One problem with this approach is that an LC must connect to each FN and per- form the same cryptographic operations with each one repeatedly, which leads to client-side complexity and slower response. We propose an alternate approach to tackle this issue, in which LCs can encrypt a request for block headers only once, and send that request to a predetermined set of FNs to access, process, and reply back in a single response. Our approach, called Distributed Lightweight Client Protocol (DLCP), enables LCs to verify with little effort if FNs have agreed on a response. From an experimental evaluation, we observed that DLCP pro- vided lower latency and reduced computing and communication overhead in comparison with the existing conventional approach.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Neutral operation of the minimum energy node in energy-harvesting environments

With the recent emergence of energy-harvesting technologies in wireless devices, new challenges have to be addressed by Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication protocols. The Neutral Operation problem is a relevant problem that seeks to maintain the energy reserve of a node in a level that minimizes energy depletion and maximizes the usage of the harvested-energy. However, neutral operation in a multihop network is a more complex issue, since the nodes lack full knowledge of the network and the nodes have diverse harvesting and consumption profiles. A simplification of the Neutral Operation problem is proposed, named Neutral Operation of the Minimum Energy Node, in which the node with the lowest amount of energy determines the operation of the whole network. This paper proposes a battery-aware solution, called Routing and Aggregation for Minimum Energy (RAME), that performs data-aggregation on the traffic load according to the minimum energy reserve on the path. As part the proposed solution, a kinetic battery model has been developed to provide non-linear battery level estimation. Besides, the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) was enhanced to use the kinetic battery estimation as metric for parent node selection and to find periodically the minimum energy reserve on the available paths. The performance evaluation of the proposed mechanism using Contiki shows the benefits of RAME in comparison to the M2M standard protocols.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Fator de Resiliência para Aprimoramento Topológico em Redes Definidas por Software

Redes Definidas por Software é um paradigma que exibilizaa gerência de redes de computadores ao separar os planos de controle e de dados. Essa separação introduz novas preocupações quanto a resiliência da rede, que passa a apresentar diferentes vulnerabilidades relacionadas a interação entre os planos. É proposto um fator de resiliência para Redes Definidas por Software, utilizando múltiplas métricas para analisar características intrínsecas da arquitetura, servindo como indicativo de resiliência da rede. Além disso, algoritmos de aprimoramento topológico são empregados para aperfeiçoar a resiliência das topologias utilizadas. Os resultados de monstram melhoria nas características de resiliência.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Busca de caminhos como serviço em vSDNs

As Redes virtuais Definidas por Software (vSDNs) são a junção de SDN e Virtualização. Neste contexto, o hipervisor de rede é responsável pela gestão da rede física, enquanto a rede SDN não virtualizada mantém esta função no controlador. Este artigo apresenta o Search Path, um buscador de caminhos baseado em grafos que evita traduções desnecessárias entre o hipervisor de rede e os controladores no contexto de vSDNs. A fatia encaminhada pelo hipervisor de rede é recebida pelo Search Path em forma de grafos, facilitando o desenvolvimento de lógicas de encaminhamento específicas para cada rede, através da manipulação de grafos. Os testes realizados demonstram que o Search Path possui resultados melhores quando comparado com hipervisor de rede e controlador tradicionais.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Tag-and-Forward: A source-routing enabled data plane for OpenFlow Fat-Tree Networks

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has turned the Data Center Network (DCN) environment into a more flexible one by decoupling control plane from data plane, allowing an innovative and easily extensible network management solutions. Nowadays, OpenFlow is the most successful protocol for SDN. However, SDN based on OpenFlow protocol presents performance issues on forwarding table increasing and packet match cost. Our proposal named Tag-and-Forward (TF) is a data plane that reduces the number of flow table required in the Fat-Tree software-defined DCNs to optimize forwarding. The results noticebly outperformed RTT and packet transmission rate when compared to usual OpenFlow data plane.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A Two-Tier Adaptive Data Aggregation Approach for M2M Group-Communication

Network lifetime is the time interval in which the nodes are operational. Considering that machine-to-machine (M2M) devices have limited energy resources, an important challenge in M2M communications is to prolong the network lifetime. The constrained application protocol (CoAP) supports multi-target monitoring applications in M2M communications, allowing the creation and maintenance of groups, as well as their periodic communication. It is essential to aggregate the CoAP group-communication over the paths to increase the network lifetime of low-power M2M devices, since data aggregation reduces the use of energy-consuming hardware (e.g., central processing unit and wireless interface). However, the current data aggregation solutions do not specify how to support data aggregation with multiple CoAP-based groups in multi-target monitoring applications. In this paper, the proposed approach, called two-tier aggregation for multi-target applications (TTAMAs), aggregates the data originated from nodes belonging to either the same or different CoAP groups. Furthermore, TTAMA is an adaptive solution because it performs the data aggregation in accordance with the CoAP configurations, such as communication periodicity and data aggregation functions. We compare TTAMA with current data aggregation approaches that use minimum spanning tree and shortest path tree. The results show that TTAMA outperforms the related works in terms of network lifetime and energy consumption.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Cache-Aware Interest Routing: Impact Analysis on Cache Decision Strategies in Content-Centric Networking

Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is one of the most promising model for dealing with the cern of the current Internet scenario, that is content. In this model, either routers or user devices in the network are capable of storing content in cache, where a client device pull a content by expressing an interest of the desired content name. One of the most sucessfull implementation of ICN is Content-Centric Networking (CCN) proposed by PARC. In CCN, the forwarding strategy pushes interest packets torwards a content server through a route determined by the Shortest-Path Route (SPR) strategy. However, SPR cannot fully exploit the network caching benefits, because the caching process only happens within the path without considering cache saturation level. Therefore, we propose Least Cache Routing (LCR) cache-aware strategy. Besides being based on SPR, LCR is constantly looking for the least saturated paths. The results shows that, a slight improvement on forwarding strategy is capable of improving LCE and LCD cache decision policies. Our results shows 150% and 53% performance gain on cache hit probability when LCR is jointly running with, respectively, LCE and LCD on Torus network.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

On the Benchmarking Mainstream Open Software-Defined Networking Controllers

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been one of the most successfull networking model over the past few years. The model decouples the network control and forwarding functions enabling the underlying infrastructure complexity to be programmed by applications. Although control plane is the cern for all the benefits, it is also the most crucial drawback of the SDN model to keep up working. Therefore, this paper presents a performance analysis on mainstream open-source SDN controllers. The results show that a well-perfomed control plane not only depends on controller throughput and response time, but also relies on topology discovery time. Our results show that Beacon controller has the highest performance on controller troughput because it uses multicore feature better than others. However, there is a few difference on topology building delay when compared to ONOS, Floodlight and OpenDaylight, which are also Java-based controllers. The worst one is Ryu for building network topology.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A MultiCriteria Caching Decision for information centric networks

Information Centric Networks (ICN) has been a new network paradigm and it has attracted a lot of attention recently. In this new model, contents are retrieved by their name, not by IP address, shifting from host-to-host to a host-to-content approach. In networking-caching plays a very important role in ICN, which enables routers to cache content in the path between a user and the permanent server, for instance. These intermediate nodes use a caching scheme to decide whether to store a content or not. However, most of the current caching schemes are only-one-criterion based and, given the dynamics of the network, this only one criterion may not be suitable, resulting in both low network hit ratio and performance. Therefore, we designed a MultiCriteria Caching Decision scheme for ICN, which not only considers one criterion for caching decision, but it aggregates three of them to better distribute content over the network and provide user’s requests. Our results got a much higher cache hit ratio than the other evaluated schemes and a reasonable download time.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Data aggregation for machine-to-machine communication with energy harvesting

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have emerged as a new concept for the next generation of sensing and actuating systems. With the recent emergence of energy harvesting technologies, the current communication solutions have addressed the problem of controlling the data communication to regulate efficiently the energy consumption, aiming to avoid under and overuse of energy. However, these solutions do not consider data aggregation as means of controlling the network traffic. To fill this gap, this paper proposes the Data Aggregation for energy harVesting NETworks (DAV-NET), which regulates the energy consumption in accordance with the residual energy stored in the batteries, exploiting the data aggregation capabilities to control the network traffic. The performed simulations show that the proposed solution is able to regulate the energy consumption in case of abundant or scarce energy, controlling the aggregation level in a distributed fashion.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Controlling Data Aggregation and communication periodicity in Energy Harvesting networks

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is an emerging paradigm for the next generation of sensing and actuating systems. Energy harvesting technologies applied in sensor and actuator devices must be considered by the communication solutions in order to achieve energy-efficient M2M communication. This paper addresses the problem of regulating the energy consumption in accordance with the harvested energy. Thus, it proposes Data Aggregation and communication Periodicity control for Energy Harvesting (DAPEH), a solution that controls the network energy consumption adjusting the Data Aggregation level and the periodicity of the communication. Data Aggregation allows DAPEH to control the amount of traffic sent over the network, while the communication periodicity enables the regulation of data production. The evaluation of the proposed solution uses real measurements of solar harvested energy and shows how the network can increase or decrease the energy consumption to avoid under and overuse of energy.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

How to automatically collect oriented object metrics: A study based on systematic review

Aim: Getting information to automatically collect object oriented metrics (OO metrics) in order to assist the comprehension and assessment of software products. Method: It was developed a study based on a systematic review and 37 primary studies were selected from 577 papers retrieved in 3 databases. Result: 177 metrics that can be automatically collected were cataloged. Besides, 27 from such total were the most referenced. The cataloged metrics were classified according to the quality characteristics which were related; 18 collection tools have been identified. This way, it was concluded that there is a set of common procedures for collecting OO metrics and the Java and C++ are the languages with the largest number of tools on which is possible to extract metrics.