Redes sem fio Metropolitanas baseadas no padrão 802.16: um estudo de caso para Belém
Autores: Mônica F. da Silva, Jeferson Câmara, Antônio J. G. Abelém, Michael A. Stanton
Áreas: IoT
Abstract: The necessity of wireless networks already has been felt a long time ago in sight of limitations imposed by the wired networks, mainly related to the increasing necessity of flexibility of the current network projects. In association to this necessity, also is observable a crescent demand for data transmissions that supply the current multimedia applications requirements, just as a larger bandwidth and a greater number of users attended on larger distances. In this context, the wireless metropolitan area networks are one solution that allies the flexibility, common in wireless networks, with the possibility of reaching a greater number of users. This paper investigates the Standard 802.16 and analyses its use for Belém-PA.