Periódicos, Publicação

vSDNEmul: A Software-Defined Network Emulator Based on Container Virtualization

The main issue related to Software-Defined Network emulators is how to replicate real behavior in experiments. Mininet and others SDN emulators have an architecture that limits both the scope of experiments and the fidelity of networking tests. Consequently, the serialization, contention, and load of background processes may produce delays that compromise the operation of events such as transmitting a packet or completing a computation, possibly invalidating the performance evaluation of a network emulation. To address these problems, this paper presents vSDNEmul, a network emulator based on Docker container virtualization. Different from Mininet, vSDNEmul isolates each node in a container and interconnects the nodes through virtual or tunnel links. By using containers, vSDNEmul allows autonomous and flexible creation of independent network elements, resulting in more realistic emulations. This paper reports performance evaluations comparing vSDNEmul and Mininet. The results obtained with the vSDNEmul emulator are more realistic and present higher accuracy.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNLight: Uma Proposta de Arquitetura Leve para Provisionamento de Redes Virtuais Definidas por Software

Para construção de redes virtuais definidas por softwares (vSDN), também conhecidas como slices da infraestrutura física, é necessário a utilização de soluções de hipervisores SDN. No entanto, essas soluções vêm apresentando grandes limitações de escalabilidade e desempenho, por causa de sua arquitetura baseada em proxy de serviços. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de orquestração diferente do modelo atual provendo redes virtuais definidas por softwares através da alocação de instancias de switches virtuais sob demanda diretamente em dispositivos de comutação de baixo custo.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Soluçao de Nodos de Baixo Armazenamento para o Futuro da Internet

Em blockchain, os nodos completos (NCs) armazenam todas as transações existentes e são responsáveis por validar novos blocos. A quantidade de dados armazenados por NCs vem aumentando significativamente nas principais blockchains, como a do Bitcoin. O excesso de dados de blockchains aumenta a sobrecarga de armazenamento e processamento nos NCs, podendo causar a redução de validadores e armazenadores dos dados e colocando em risco o princípio de descentralização em blockchain. Este artigo propõe um mecanismo de armazenamento dos dados menos custoso para NCs de blockchain. O mecanismo visa diminuir a sobrecarga de armazenamento e processamento nos NCs, e garantir a característica de descentralização da rede.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Projeto NECOS: Rumo ao Fatiamento Leve de Recursos em Infraestruturas de Nuvens Federadas

O projeto Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing (NECOS) propouma solução que visa automatizar o processo de configuração otimizada de nuvem e rede, fornecendo um gerenciamento uniforme com um alto nível de autonomia para os recursos de computação conectividade e armazenamento atualmente separados, baseado no conceito LSDC (Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud). Neste artigo, discute-se a motivação, objetivos, arquitetura, desafios de pesquisa e esforços iniciais do projeto NECOS através dos casos de uso definidos.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Desenvolvimento de redes comunitárias na região amazônica com uso de redes em malha sem fio através da plataforma LibreMesh

Currently, there are about 3.6 billion people in the world without any kind of Internet access. Parallel to this, we have the connectivity as a funda-mental part for insertion of the individual in a globalized society. Thus, with the understanding of Internet access as a basic right of citizenship, the con-cept of community networks arises. This network is characterized by low cost, minimal complexity, ease of deployment and expansion, as well as the active participation of the beneficiary community in its development. This study in-tends to describe the process of implementation of a community network with application of wireless mesh network using the LibreMesh free platform in the community of Boa Vista do Acarain Para.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Slices como serviço sobre um centro de dados itinerante aplicado ao cenário amazônico

A virtualização e o fatiamento de recursos vêm se tornando abordagens chaves para automatizar, tornar mais eficiente e econômico o processo de configuração de nuvens, habilitando a oferta de serviços ágeis e dinâmicos. Este artigo apresenta o Centro de Dados Itinerante (Itinerant Data Center IDC), com o objetivo de levar serviços essenciais para regiões sem ou com pouca infraestrutura, utilizando a plataforma NECOS, para fornecer uma solução sustentável, de baixo custo e com pouco consumo de energia, que utiliza computação em nuvem, virtualização e fatiamento como serviço.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A decentralized protocol for securely storing and sharing health records

Cloud computing allows for on demand storage and sharing of records with high degree of availability. However, storing a health record in a cloud provider requires trusting it for the record security. By mitigating it, current approaches focus on confidentiality and access control while not properly handling data integrity. This paper presents a protocol that employs attribute-based cryptography and decentralized networks for secure storage and sharing of health records. The solution addresses confidentiality, access control and integrity of records. A proof of concept of the protocol was implemented and load tests were executed in order to demonstrate its practical feasibility.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A Methodology for Classification and Evaluation of IoT Brokers

Since the term Internet of Things (IoT) was coined by Kevin Ashton on 1999, a bundle of middleware platforms has been developed to cope with important challenges such as the integration of different technologies. Is in this context of heterogeneous technologies that IoT message brokers become key elements for the proper function of smart systems and wireless sensor networks (WSN) infrastructures. This article proposes a methodology for classification and evaluation of brokers by using qualitative analysis, so to help in the selection of the more suitable brokers according to the given scenario and needs. The methodology uses the quality reference model described on the ISO/IEC 25010 normative from the SQuaRE set of standards published by the ISO/IEC conjunction. In the implementation case we developed the proposal with 9 different open source brokers so to validate the applicability and feasibility of our methodology.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Adjusting group communication in dense internet of things networks with heterogeneous energy sources

Internet-of-Things (IoT) environments will have a large number of nodes organized into groups to collect and to disseminate data. In this sense, one of the main challenges in IoT environments is to dynamically manage communication characteristics of IoT devices to decrease congestion, traffic collisions, and excessive data collection, as well as to balance the use of energy resources. In this paper, we introduce an energy-efficient and reliable Self Adjusting group communication of dense IoT Network, called SADIN. It configures the communication settings to ensure a dynamic control of IoT devices considering a comprehensive set of aspects, ie, traffic loss, event relevance, amount of nodes with renewable batteries, and the number of observers. Specifically, SADIN changes the communication interval, the number of data producers, the reliability level of the network. Extensive evaluation results show that SADIN improves system performance in terms of message loss, energy consumption, and reliability compared to state-of-the-art protocol.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Towards High Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) protocols provide the fundamental mechanisms to collect data from low power devices and lossy networks. IoT protocols collect data blocks from the devices in messages that have one header and a single payload, regardless the size of the payload. This paper presents a solution to collect small size data blocks from low power devices in an efficient way, carrying these data blocks in the payload of a single message. Current solutions do not offer manners to gather many small blocks of data and reduce the overhead of the communication. The proposed solution is a light-weight layer designed to operate with the standard IoT protocol stack aiming to reduce the energy consumption of the energy constrained devices without lowering the data accuracy. The proposed solution was developed in Contiki devices and the measurements conducted on a testbed showed up to 14% energy savings.