Periódicos, Publicação

QoE-based packet drop control for 3D-video streaming over wireless networks. QoE-based packet drop control for 3D-video streaming over wireless networks

Currently, the Internet is experiencing a revolution in the provisioning and demand of multimedia services. In this context, 3D-video is envisioned to attract more and more the multimedia market with the perspective for enhanced applications (video surveillance, mission critical control, entertainment, etc.). However, 3D-video content delivery places increased bandwidth demands, as well as have rigorous Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements for efficient support. This paper proposes a novel QoE-aware packet controller mechanism, which aims at connecting real-time 3D-video streaming applications over congested wireless networks with acceptable levels of QoS and QoE over the time. Simulation experiments were carried out to show the impact and benefit of our proposal. Subjective and objective QoE metrics were used for benchmarking, showing that in congestion periods our solution improves the quality level of real-time 3D-video sequences from the user point-of-view, as well as, optimizes the usage of wireless network resources.

Periódicos, Publicação

A real-time video quality estimator for emerging wireless multimedia systems

Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are increasingly deployed to enable thousands of users to share, create, and access live video streaming with different characteristics and content, such as video surveillance and football matches. In this context, there is a need for new mechanisms for assessing the quality level of videos because operators are seeking to control their delivery process and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user’s satisfaction. However, the development of in-service and non-intrusive Quality of Experience assessment schemes for real-time Internet videos with different complexity and motion levels, Group of Picture lengths, and characteristics, remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, this article proposes a non-intrusive parametric real-time video quality estimator, called MultiQoE that correlates wireless networks’ impairments, videos’ characteristics, and users’ perception into a predicted Mean Opinion Score. An instance of MultiQoE was implemented in WMNs and performance evaluation results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of MultiQoE in predicting the user’s perception of live video streaming services when compared to subjective, objective, and well-known parametric solutions.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Modelo de Otimização de Alocação de Recursos em LoRaWAN para Aplicações de Internet das Coisas

O LoRaWAN é a tecnologia sem fio de longo alcance mais utilizada para aplicações de Internet das Coisas (IoT) que trabalham com alta densidade, pois é capaz de conectar dispositivos que requerem serviços de comunicação de longo alcance, baixo custo e menor consumo de energia. Contudo, a densificação do uso de LoRaWAN em serviços IoT traz uma série de desafios devido a interferência por transmissão simultânea no mesmo canal e/ou maior consumo de energia pelos dispositivos. Nesse contexto, é crucial entender os conceitos de alocação de recursos do LoRaWAN para otimizar a configuração de parâmetros específicos do rádio, ie, Fator de Espalhamento (SF) e Frequência de portadora (CF), em que a otimização dos parâmetros de transmissão via modelos de otimização é um desafio em aberto. Este artigo apresenta o MARCO, um modelo de otimização de alocação de recursos para minimizar a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) do LoRaWAN para aplicações de IoT, além de contribuir para a melhora da eficiência enérgica dos dispositivos. O MARCO considera uma programação linear inteira mista para definir as configurações ideais dos parâmetros SF e CF, bem como especificações de trafego da rede como um todo. Resultados de simulação demonstram a eficiência em termos de taxa de extração de dados, número de colisões e consumo de energia do MARCO em comparação com as heurísticas de alocação de recursos para LoRaWAN existentes.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

An efficient heuristic LoRaWAN adaptive resource allocation for IoT applications

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) enables flexible long-range communication with low power consumption and low-cost design perspectives. However, the adoption of this technology brings new challenges due to the densification of IoT devices, which causes signal interference and affects the QoS directly. On the other hand, the flexibility in the LoRaWAN transmission configurations allows higher management in the use of end-device parameters, which allows better resource utilization and improves network scalability. This paper proposes an adaptive solution to handle the define best LoRaWAN parameter settings to reduce the channel utilization and, consequently, maximize the number of packets delivered. Additionally, to validate our method, we formulated mixed-Integer linear programming and results compared to those given by the heuristics. Results provided by the heuristic are close to those provided by the MILP.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

An Online Quantitative Measure of Density for Low-Power IoT Networks

Low-Power Internet-of-Things (LPIoT) networks are formed by a massive number of power-constrained devices that use short-range wireless technologies to communicate. In the next years, the density of LPIoT networks tends to grow due to the low price of the IoT devices and the popularity of the IoT applications, which includes smart-home, building-monitoring, and smart-cities. Despite being a critical feature, often it is not clear how network density can be expressed in quantifiable terms. This letter proposes DENSity indeX (DENX), which is a measure for the density of LPIoT networks. DENX has been designed, implemented, and evaluated as an IoT platform tool to provide an online and fine-grained measure of density.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Adjusting group communication in dense internet of things networks with heterogeneous energy sources

Internet-of-Things (IoT) environments will have a large number of nodes organized into groups to collect and to disseminate data. In this sense, one of the main challenges in IoT environments is to dynamically manage communication characteristics of IoT devices to decrease congestion, traffic collisions, and excessive data collection, as well as to balance the use of energy resources. In this paper, we introduce an energy-efficient and reliable Self Adjusting group communication of dense IoT Network, called SADIN. It configures the communication settings to ensure a dynamic control of IoT devices considering a comprehensive set of aspects, ie, traffic loss, event relevance, amount of nodes with renewable batteries, and the number of observers. Specifically, SADIN changes the communication interval, the number of data producers, the reliability level of the network. Extensive evaluation results show that SADIN improves system performance in terms of message loss, energy consumption, and reliability compared to state-of-the-art protocol.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Towards High Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) protocols provide the fundamental mechanisms to collect data from low power devices and lossy networks. IoT protocols collect data blocks from the devices in messages that have one header and a single payload, regardless the size of the payload. This paper presents a solution to collect small size data blocks from low power devices in an efficient way, carrying these data blocks in the payload of a single message. Current solutions do not offer manners to gather many small blocks of data and reduce the overhead of the communication. The proposed solution is a light-weight layer designed to operate with the standard IoT protocol stack aiming to reduce the energy consumption of the energy constrained devices without lowering the data accuracy. The proposed solution was developed in Contiki devices and the measurements conducted on a testbed showed up to 14% energy savings.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Neutral operation of the minimum energy node in energy-harvesting environments

With the recent emergence of energy-harvesting technologies in wireless devices, new challenges have to be addressed by Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication protocols. The Neutral Operation problem is a relevant problem that seeks to maintain the energy reserve of a node in a level that minimizes energy depletion and maximizes the usage of the harvested-energy. However, neutral operation in a multihop network is a more complex issue, since the nodes lack full knowledge of the network and the nodes have diverse harvesting and consumption profiles. A simplification of the Neutral Operation problem is proposed, named Neutral Operation of the Minimum Energy Node, in which the node with the lowest amount of energy determines the operation of the whole network. This paper proposes a battery-aware solution, called Routing and Aggregation for Minimum Energy (RAME), that performs data-aggregation on the traffic load according to the minimum energy reserve on the path. As part the proposed solution, a kinetic battery model has been developed to provide non-linear battery level estimation. Besides, the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) was enhanced to use the kinetic battery estimation as metric for parent node selection and to find periodically the minimum energy reserve on the available paths. The performance evaluation of the proposed mechanism using Contiki shows the benefits of RAME in comparison to the M2M standard protocols.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A Two-Tier Adaptive Data Aggregation Approach for M2M Group-Communication

Network lifetime is the time interval in which the nodes are operational. Considering that machine-to-machine (M2M) devices have limited energy resources, an important challenge in M2M communications is to prolong the network lifetime. The constrained application protocol (CoAP) supports multi-target monitoring applications in M2M communications, allowing the creation and maintenance of groups, as well as their periodic communication. It is essential to aggregate the CoAP group-communication over the paths to increase the network lifetime of low-power M2M devices, since data aggregation reduces the use of energy-consuming hardware (e.g., central processing unit and wireless interface). However, the current data aggregation solutions do not specify how to support data aggregation with multiple CoAP-based groups in multi-target monitoring applications. In this paper, the proposed approach, called two-tier aggregation for multi-target applications (TTAMAs), aggregates the data originated from nodes belonging to either the same or different CoAP groups. Furthermore, TTAMA is an adaptive solution because it performs the data aggregation in accordance with the CoAP configurations, such as communication periodicity and data aggregation functions. We compare TTAMA with current data aggregation approaches that use minimum spanning tree and shortest path tree. The results show that TTAMA outperforms the related works in terms of network lifetime and energy consumption.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Data aggregation for machine-to-machine communication with energy harvesting

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have emerged as a new concept for the next generation of sensing and actuating systems. With the recent emergence of energy harvesting technologies, the current communication solutions have addressed the problem of controlling the data communication to regulate efficiently the energy consumption, aiming to avoid under and overuse of energy. However, these solutions do not consider data aggregation as means of controlling the network traffic. To fill this gap, this paper proposes the Data Aggregation for energy harVesting NETworks (DAV-NET), which regulates the energy consumption in accordance with the residual energy stored in the batteries, exploiting the data aggregation capabilities to control the network traffic. The performed simulations show that the proposed solution is able to regulate the energy consumption in case of abundant or scarce energy, controlling the aggregation level in a distributed fashion.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Controlling Data Aggregation and communication periodicity in Energy Harvesting networks

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is an emerging paradigm for the next generation of sensing and actuating systems. Energy harvesting technologies applied in sensor and actuator devices must be considered by the communication solutions in order to achieve energy-efficient M2M communication. This paper addresses the problem of regulating the energy consumption in accordance with the harvested energy. Thus, it proposes Data Aggregation and communication Periodicity control for Energy Harvesting (DAPEH), a solution that controls the network energy consumption adjusting the Data Aggregation level and the periodicity of the communication. Data Aggregation allows DAPEH to control the amount of traffic sent over the network, while the communication periodicity enables the regulation of data production. The evaluation of the proposed solution uses real measurements of solar harvested energy and shows how the network can increase or decrease the energy consumption to avoid under and overuse of energy.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Data Aggregation for group communication in Machine-to-Machine environments

The energy resources of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) devices need to last as much as possible. Data aggregation is a suitable solution to prolong the network lifetime, since it allows the devices to reduce the amount of data traffic. In M2M systems, the M2M platform and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) enable multiple entities to send concurrent data-requests to the same capillary network. For example, in a Smart Metering scenario, there are devices measuring the electricity consumption of an entire building. The supplier company requests all devices to send the data updates every 1800 seconds (i.e., 30 minutes). On the other hand, a resident requests his/her devices to communicate every 600 seconds (i.e., 10 minutes). These concurrent data-requests create heterogeneous groups over the same capillary network, since each group might be able to execute different in-network functions and to have a unique temporal-frequency of communication. However, the traditional data aggregation solutions designed for periodic monitoring assume the execution of a single static data-request during all network lifetime. This makes the traditional data aggregation solutions not suitable for M2M environments. To fill this gap, this paper presents Data Aggregation for Multiple Groups (DAMiG), which is designed to provide Data Aggregation for heterogeneous and concurrent sets of CoAP data-requests. DAMiG explores the group communication periodicity to perform internal and external-group traffic aggregation. To achieve that, DAMiG computes a suitable aggregation structure and applies statistical and merger aggregation functions along the path. DAMiG is able to reduce the energy consumption in scenarios with single or several concurrent CoAP data-requests. Moreover, the selection of internal and external-group paths takes into account the residual energy of the nodes, avoiding the paths with low residual energy.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Efficient and secure M2M communications for smart metering

Machine-to-Machine technology supports several application scenarios, such as smart metering, automotive, healthcare and city monitoring. Smart metering applications have attracted the interest of companies and governments since these applications bring many benefits (e.g. costs reduction and increased reliability) for production, monitoring and distribution of utilities, such as gas, water and electricity. Multi-hop wireless communication is a cost-effective technology for smart metering applications because it extends the wireless range and enables fast deployment. Smart metering data communicated via wireless multi-hop approaches needs mechanisms that makes the communication less vulnerable to security threats and saves the device resources. Data encryption and data aggregation mechanisms emerge as potential solutions to fulfill these requirements. However, the simultaneous execution of data encryption and data aggregation mechanisms is not a trivial task. This is because the data encryption prevents the data aggregation mechanism to summarize the data along the path. Another challenge is to manage both mechanisms according to the concurrent Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications interests. In this context, we present sMeter, which is a framework that deals with multiple applications interests, avoiding interest conflicts of concurrent users and supporting the management of data aggregation and data encryption. sMeter is implemented using low-cost hardware in an indoor environment. The communication is performed via a wireless multi-hop technology, and the performance of this communication is evaluated in terms of delay, data reception ratio and received signal strength indication.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Middleware Group Communication Mechanisms in M2M environments

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is a technology that will bring new horizons for the current concept of smart systems. However, efficient M2M communication requires the design of middleware/platform components able to deal with multiple application requirements and heterogeneous wireless environments. In order to address this challenge, this paper proposes the Communication Manager Component (CMC) to integrate the M2M middleware. CMC enables the management of communication mechanisms, such as data-aggregation, sleep-schedule, uplink-schedule and signaling-aggregation, aiming to save energy and to satisfy multiple application data requests. The management is performed dynamically taking into account the applications requests, the base-station overload indicators and the M2M devices’ status (eg energy level, location).

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A quality of experience handover system for heterogeneous multimedia wireless networks

The convergence of emerging real-time multimedia services, the increasing coverage of wireless networks and the ever-growing popularity of mobile devices, are leading to an era of user-centric multimedia wireless services. In this scenario, heterogeneous communications will co-exist and ensure that the end-user is always best connected. However, the Quality of Experience (QoE) support for emerging video applications in multi-operator environments remains a significant challenge and is crucial for the success of wireless multimedia systems. This paper presents a Quality of Experience Handover Architecture for Converged Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, called QoEHand. QoEHand allows users of multimedia content to be always best connected in IEEE 802.11e and IEEE 802.16e environments. Simulation results show the impact and benefit of the proposed solution in multi-access and multi-operator wireless scenarios by using objective and subjective QoE metrics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A mobile qoe architecture for heterogeneous multimedia wireless networks

One of the main requirements in this emerging wireless multimedia era is the Quality of Experience (QoE) assurance for 2D or 3D video applications in heterogeneous multi-operator environments. Therefore, this paper proposes a QoE Architecture for Heterogeneous Multimedia Wireless Networks, called QoEHand. QoEHand extends the Media Independent Handover (MIH)/IEEE 802.21 proposal with QoEawareness, seamless mobility, dynamic class of service mapping and a set of content adaptation schemes. The proposed solution allows the best connection and considers the QoE needs of mobile clients and available wireless resources in IEEE 802.11e and IEEE 802.16e service classes. Simulation experiments were carried out to show the impact and benefits of QoEHand on the user´s perception, by using objective and subjective QoE metrics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Real-time QoE prediction for multimedia applications in wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are being increasingly deployed, there is an increasing demand for new quality assessment mechanisms that allow service operators to evaluate and optimize the utilization of network resources, while ensuring a good quality level on multimedia applications as perceived by end-users. However, existing real-time assessment schemes for WMNs are not capable of capturing the actual quality of received multimedia content with regard to user perception. Therefore, it is not possible to assure the user experience of content services. To address this problem, this paper introduces the Hybrid Quality of Experience (HyQoE) Prediction, which is a quality estimator specially designed to assess realtime multimedia applications. HyQoE is designed based on the framework of the widely used Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA) Tool which exploits Random Neural Network (RNN). Crucial extension work has been implemented to achieve our objectives. A performance evaluation verifies the effectiveness and advantages of HyQoE in predicting users’ perception of multimedia content in WMNs over existing subjective and hybrid methods.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Video quality estimator for wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been increasingly deployed, where users can share, create and access videos with different characteristics, the need for new quality estimator mechanisms has become important because operators want to control the quality of video delivery and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user satisfaction. However, the development of in-service Quality of Experience (QoE) estimation schemes for Internet videos (e.g., real-time streaming and gaming) with different complexities, motions, Group of Picture (GoP) sizes and contents remains a significant challenge and is crucial for the success of wireless multimedia systems. To address this challenge, we propose a real-time quality estimator approach, HyQoE, for real-time multimedia applications. The performance evaluation in a WMN scenario demonstrates the high accuracy of HyQoE in estimating the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Moreover, the results highlight the lack of performance of the well-known objective methods and the Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA) approach.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A parametric QoE video quality estimator for Wireless Networks

The development of real-time quality estimator schemes for emerging Internet videos with different content types remains a significant challenge and is crucial for the success of wireless multimedia systems. However, currently in-service assessment schemes fail in capturing subjective aspects of multimedia content related to the user perception. Therefore, this paper proposes an on-the-fly parametric video quality estimator approach (called MultiQoE) for real-time video streaming applications. Experiments in a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) scenario were carried out to show the accuracy, benefit, and impact of MultiQoE compared to widely used Quality of Experience (QoE) subjective, objective and parametric methods.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A hybrid prediction and assessment quality of experience approach for videostreaming applications over wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been increasingly deployed, the need of new quality measurement schemes became essential since operators want to control and optimize their network resources, while keeping users of multimedia applications with a good quality level. However, currently WMN in-service assessment schemes fails in capturing subjective aspects of real-time multimedia content related to the user perception. Therefore, this paper proposes a new on-the-fly quality estimator approach, called Hybrid Quality of Experience (HyQoE) Prediction, for real-time videostreaming applications. Moreover, performance evaluation results present the benefits and accuracy of HyQoE in predicting the user perception compared to well-know subjective and objective methods in a WMN scenario.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

ETXMULT: A routing metric for multimedia applications in wireless mesh networks

In a near future, wireless mesh networks (WMNs) and multimedia content will be abundant technologies/applications in the Internet. Hence, in order to keep and attract new customers, as well as, reduce operational costs, the development of new quality level control schemes are needed and it is one of the key requirements for the success of next generation wireless multimedia systems. With this goal in mind, this paper presents a new routing metric with focused on estimation error on wireless links, named ETXMULT (Expected Transmission Count for Multimedia Content), to assure high-quality paths on multi-hop wireless networks for multimedia traffic. Simulations were carried out, by using Network Simulator 2 (NS-2), to demonstrate the behavior and benefits of the proposed metric with Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) routing protocol. The results presented improvements in the distribution of multimedia content compared to the original Expected Transmission Count (ETX) metric, by analyzing well-know QoS and QoE metrics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Mitigação Inteligente de Ataques DDoS em Redes O-RAN Utilizando Aprendizado de Máquina

A transição das redes móveis para o 5G estimulou a adoção de tecnologias como NFVs, SDN, slices e de padrões abertos e interoperáveis como o Open RAN (O-RAN). Em relação à segurança, as redes O-RAN se encontram nos estágios iniciais para garantir a integridade e confiabilidade. Diante deste cenário, este trabalho propõe o SID-xApp (Slice Intelligent Defender xApp), uma aplicação integrada ao controlador de quase tempo real da rede (Near-RT RIC), com o objetivo de identificar e mitigar ataques DDoS que possam comprometer os slices presentes na O-RAN. A solução proposta é projetada para permitir o desenvolvimento de forma modular e suportar o recebimento de métricas dos dispositivos conectados à rede, identificar padrões por meio de modelos de aprendizado de máquina (AM) e desassociar usuários mal-intencionados, proporcionando uma camada de segurança ao open fronthaul da O-RAN.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Um Framework para Gerenciamento da Comunicação de Múltiplos Recursos e Observadores em Internet das Coisas

As plataformas IoT desempenham um papel central na arquitetura IoT, pois facilitam o desenvolvimento de serviços e aplicações. As plataformas IoT devem satisfazer os múltiplos requisitos das aplicações e preferências dos clientes, mas também devem evitar o consumo dos escassos recursos dos dispositivos IoT. Este artigo propõe um framework chamado OBSERVICE que visa suportar o gerenciamento da comunicação em ambientes IoT envolvendo múltiplas partes interessadas (observadores) em consumir dados IoT de vários produtores. O framework proposto permite que várias entidades, isto é usuários, especifiquem simultaneamente suas preferências de comunicação. A implementação do framework teve a compatibilidade com a web como prioridade, além do reuso de código, ferramentas de código aberto e a integração com código real embarcado em dispositivos IoT. Os resultados dos testes de validação mostram que o OBSERVICE é capaz de gerenciar a comunicação envolvendo múltiplas entidades e dispositivos IoT, com baixo consumo de recursos e melhora em aspectos de gerência de redes.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

AID-SDN: Advanced Intelligent Defense for SDN Using P4 and Machine Learning

The advent of protocol independent packet processor (P4) programming allows devices, such as switches, to determine how data is processed at the data plane. P4 opens up the possibility of using lightweight machine learning models (ML) to support intelligent security services over software-defined networks (SDN). However, it is challenging to integrate ML models into P4-based switches to detect attacks, mainly due to the internal limitations of the P4 architecture. It is also challenging to combine P4-based detection with old-fashioned detection, where attack classification is performed at the edge of the network. To overcome this challenge, this paper proposes Advanced Intelligent Defense for SDN (AID-SDN). It is a hybrid solution that supports and coordinates two layers of ML classification for attack detection. The first layer runs on P4-based switches and the second layer runs at the edge of the network. The proposed solution aims to benefit from the faster detection of P4-based classification and also from the accuracy and scope of conventional ML classification. AID-SDN has been implemented in a simulated environment to evaluate the performance of the system and assess its ability to accurately detect different types of attacks considering different ML methods. The results show that AID-SDN achieves high performance considering ML metrics and classification time for each attack tested.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Agregaçao e Desagregaçao de Dados IoT em Redes Definidas por Software Utilizando P4

Low-Power Internet-of-Things (LPIoT) networks are characterized by a large number of IoT nodes with resource limitations. Due to its limitations, it is common to use data aggregation techniques in LPIoT data traffic. However, any aggregated payload needs to be disaggregated before the data is delivered to IoT applications. This work proposes a new strategy for aggregating and disaggregating IoT data in software-defined networks (SDN) using the P4 language.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Modularized and Contract-Based Prediction Models in Programmable Networks

Network traffic engineering aims at the network quality, optimizing routes and detecting network attacks. In this context, traffic prediction is an essential tool to capture the underlying behavior of a network. Therefore, this work proposes a modularization architecture for volumetric prediction models, allowing switching between models and setups at runtime in controllers of Software Defined Networks (SDN), dealing with short time series and delivering the data already processed for the prediction. The proposed architecture compares the results from four traditional predictors based on short-range time dependency.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Deconn: Combining minimum and neutral energy consumption strategies in iot networks

In Low-Power Internet-of-Things (IoT), energy provisioning is often heterogeneous, meaning that nodes with rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries coexist and collaborate to support data communication. Non-rechargeable nodes pose the requirement of minimum energy consumption for maximizing their network lifetime. Nodes powered by rechargeable batteries, in turn, must foster neutral energy consumption to avoid battery depletion and overflow. In this context, keeping one subset of nodes in neutral consumption and another subset in minimum consumption while maintaining proper network operation is a complex challenge to solve. To tackle this problem, we propose in this paper the Dual Energy COnsumption for interNet-of-thiNgs (DECONN). DECONN is a distributed solution designed to combine minimum and neutral consumption for IoT networks with heterogeneous energy provision. Using DECONN, nodes with the lowest amount of energy determine the energy consumption of the nodes located in the communication path. We compare DECONN with current IoT low-power standard protocols, such as RPL and CoAP. The results achieved provide evidence that DECONN may outperform standard protocols regarding the amount of saved energy for non-rechargeable and time in neutral operation for rechargeable nodes