Periódicos, Publicação

Control of QoE based on Algorithms for the Disposal of Packets concerned with Streaming Video in Wireless Networks

Following decades of research, the multimedia networks remain
a great challenge; however, the modern multimedia wireless
networks with video streaming and Internet Protocol voice, have
been attracting special attention due to factors such as mobility
and heterogeneity in the devices that are used, which can
influence the quality of a user’s experience in a particular
application or service. This article compares two algorithms for
the disposal of packets in wireless networks based on the quality
of the experience of the user with video applications when there
is multimedia traffic congestion in the wireless networks and
where the results obtained surpass those of the wireless networks
which lack control of disposal.

Periódicos, Publicação

A real-time video quality estimator for emerging wireless multimedia systems

Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are increasingly deployed to enable thousands of users to share, create, and access live video streaming with different characteristics and content, such as video surveillance and football matches. In this context, there is a need for new mechanisms for assessing the quality level of videos because operators are seeking to control their delivery process and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user’s satisfaction. However, the development of in-service and non-intrusive Quality of Experience assessment schemes for real-time Internet videos with different complexity and motion levels, Group of Picture lengths, and characteristics, remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, this article proposes a non-intrusive parametric real-time video quality estimator, called MultiQoE that correlates wireless networks’ impairments, videos’ characteristics, and users’ perception into a predicted Mean Opinion Score. An instance of MultiQoE was implemented in WMNs and performance evaluation results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of MultiQoE in predicting the user’s perception of live video streaming services when compared to subjective, objective, and well-known parametric solutions.

Periódicos, Publicação

vSDNEmul: A Software-Defined Network Emulator Based on Container Virtualization

The main issue related to Software-Defined Network emulators is how to replicate real behavior in experiments. Mininet and others SDN emulators have an architecture that limits both the scope of experiments and the fidelity of networking tests. Consequently, the serialization, contention, and load of background processes may produce delays that compromise the operation of events such as transmitting a packet or completing a computation, possibly invalidating the performance evaluation of a network emulation. To address these problems, this paper presents vSDNEmul, a network emulator based on Docker container virtualization. Different from Mininet, vSDNEmul isolates each node in a container and interconnects the nodes through virtual or tunnel links. By using containers, vSDNEmul allows autonomous and flexible creation of independent network elements, resulting in more realistic emulations. This paper reports performance evaluations comparing vSDNEmul and Mininet. The results obtained with the vSDNEmul emulator are more realistic and present higher accuracy.

Periódicos, Publicação

Management of Caching Policies and Redundancy over Unreliable Channels

Caching plays a central role in networked systems, reducing the load on servers and the delay experienced by users. Despite their relevance, networked caching systems still pose a number of challenges pertaining their long term behavior. In this paper, we formally show and experimentally evidence conditions under which networked caches tend to synchronize over time. Such synchronization, in turn, leads to performance degradation and aging, motivating the monitoring of caching systems for eventual rejuvenation, as well as the deployment of diverse cache replacement policies across caches to promote diversity and preclude synchronization and its aging effects. Based on trace-driven simulations with real workloads, we show how hit probability is sensitive to varying channel reliability, cache sizes, and cache separation, indicating that the mix of simple policies, such as Least Recently Used (LRU) and Least Frequently Used (LFU), provide competitive performance against state-of-art policies. Indeed, our results suggest that diversity in cache replacement policies, rejuvenation and intentional dropping of requests are strategies that build diversity across caches, preventing or mitigating performance degradation due to caching aging.

Periódicos, Publicação

Enhancing Network Slicing Architectures With Machine Learning, Security, Sustainability and Experimental Networks Integration

Network Slicing (NS) is an essential technique extensively used in 5G networks computing strategies, mobile edge computing, mobile cloud computing, and verticals like the Internet of Vehicles and industrial IoT, among others. NS is foreseen as one of the leading enablers for 6G futuristic and highly demanding applications since it allows the optimization and customization of scarce and disputed resources among dynamic, demanding clients with highly distinct application requirements. Various standardization organizations, like 3GPP’s proposal for new generation networks and state-of-the-art 5G/6G research projects, are proposing new NS architectures. However, new NS architectures have to deal with an extensive range of requirements that inherently result in having NS architecture proposals typically fulfilling the needs of specific sets of domains with commonalities. The Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures (SFI2) architecture proposal explores the gap resulting from the diversity of NS architectures target domains by proposing a new NS reference architecture with a defined focus on integrating experimental networks and enhancing the NS architecture with Machine Learning (ML) native optimizations, energy-efficient slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities. The SFI2 architectural main contribution includes the utilization of the slice-as-a-service paradigm for end-to-end orchestration of resources across multi-domains and multi-technology experimental networks. In addition, the SFI2 reference architecture instantiations will enhance the multi-domain and multi-technology integrated experimental network deployment with native ML optimization, energy-efficient aware slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities for the practical domain.

Periódicos, Publicação

Survey on Machine Learning-Enabled Network Slicing: Covering the Entire Life Cycle

Network slicing (NS) is becoming an essential element of service management and orchestration in communication networks, starting from mobile cellular networks and extending to a global initiative. NS can reshape the deployment and operation of traditional services, support the introduction of new ones, vastly advance how resource allocation performs in networks, and notably change the user experience. Most of these promises still need to reach the real world, but they have already demonstrated their capabilities in many experimental infrastructures. However, complexity, scale, and dynamism are pressuring for a Machine Learning (ML)-enabled NS approach in which autonomy and efficiency are critical features. This trend is relatively new but growing fast and attracting much attention. This article surveys Artificial Intelligence-enabled NS and its potential use in current and future infrastructures. We have covered state-of-the-art ML-enabled NS for all network segments and organized the literature according to the phases of the NS life cycle. We also discuss challenges and opportunities in research on this topic.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Caching policies over unreliable channels

Recently, there has been substantial progress in the formal understanding of how caching resources should be allocated when multiple caches each deploy the common LRU policy. Nonetheless, the role played by caching policies beyond LRU in a networked setting where content may be replicated across multiple caches and where channels are unreliable is still poorly understood. In this paper, we investigate this issue by first analyzing the cache miss rate in a system with two caches of unit size each, for the LRU, and the LFU caching policies, and their combination. Our analytical results show that joint use of the two policies outperforms LRU, while LFU outperforms all these policies whenever resource pooling is not optimal. We provide empirical results with larger caches to show that simple alternative policies, such as LFU, provide superior performance compared to LRU even if the space allocation is not fine tuned. We envision that fine tuning the cache space used by such policies may lead to promising additional gains.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Seleção de características por clusterização para melhorar a detecção de ataques de rede

Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão (IDSs) baseados em aprendizado de máquina (AM) vêm sendo amplamente utilizados para detectar tráfego malicioso e ataques às redes. Entretanto, essas abordagens ainda apresentam grandes dificuldades para detectar os diferentes tipos de ataques que vêm se aprimorando. Neste contexto, dentre os passos requeridos para uma avaliação baseada em AM, a seleção de características tem grande importância para propiciar maior eficiência na detecção de anomalias e ataques de rede, sendo ainda um problema em aberto. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem que realiza a seleção de características baseada em clusters para melhorar a detecção de ataques e tráfegos anômalos na rede. A proposta cria também um ranque com as características de tráfego que mais contribuíram para o incremento nos acertos dos algoritmos. Os resultados mostraram um desempenho superior às demais propostas avaliadas para cinco diferentes tipos de ataques, considerando a métrica F1 score.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vsdnemul: Emulando de redes definidas por softwares através de contêineres docker

O maior desafio no desenvolvimento de emuladores de redes SDN é torná-los mais realistas, versáteis e abertos. Além disso, eles também devem oferecer aplicações reais em seus experimentos, porém, devido à complexidade de integrá-las ao emulador, estas características nem sempre são desenvolvidas. Para oferecer uma solução mais diversificada e flexível que as atuais (ex. Mininet ou vEmulab), este artigo apresenta o vSDNEmul, um emulador de redes SDN onde os nós são baseados em contêineres Docker.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNLight: Uma Proposta de Arquitetura Leve para Provisionamento de Redes Virtuais Definidas por Software

Para construção de redes virtuais definidas por softwares (vSDN), também conhecidas como slices da infraestrutura física, é necessário a utilização de soluções de hipervisores SDN. No entanto, essas soluções vêm apresentando grandes limitações de escalabilidade e desempenho, por causa de sua arquitetura baseada em proxy de serviços. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de orquestração diferente do modelo atual provendo redes virtuais definidas por softwares através da alocação de instancias de switches virtuais sob demanda diretamente em dispositivos de comutação de baixo custo.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Topology Resilience Evaluation and Enhancement in Software Defined Networks

Software Defined Networks separates the control and forwarding planes, facilitating and flexibilizing the management of networking. However, the interaction between these planes introduces different vulnerabilities to the network, raising new resilience concerns. To assist the planning phase of a Software Defined Network deployment, this paper proposes the application of topological augmentation algorithms to increase the resilience of topologies as indicated by a resilience factor, through optimizations on both control and forwarding planes. In parallel, a brute force controller placement algorithm is applied, for performance comparisons. Tests results demonstrate that the improvement on the test topologies’ resilience characteristics obtained by the joint optimization of both planes surpasses even the most optimal controller placement.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

NECOS Project: Towards Lightweight Slicing of Cloud Federated Infrastructures

The Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing (NECOS) project addresses the limitations of current cloud computing infrastructures to respond to the demand for new services, as presented in two use-cases, that will drive the whole execution of the project. The first use-case is focused on Telco service provider and is oriented towards the adoption of cloud computing in their large networks. The second use-case is targeting the use of edge clouds to support devices with low computation and storage capacity. The envisaged solution is based on a new concept, the Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud (LSDC), as an approach that extends the virtualization to all the resources in the involved networks and data centers and provides uniform management with a high-level of orchestration. In this position paper, we discuss the motivation, objectives, architecture, research challenges (and how to overcome them) and initial efforts for the NECOS project.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNEmul: Emulador de Redes Definidas Por Software Usando Contêineres

Um dos maiores desafios para emuladores de redes SDN são faze-los cada vez mais realistas, versáteis e abertos. Além disso, eles também devem oferecer aplicações reais em seus experimentos, porém, devido a complexidade de integra-los ao emulador estas características não são desenvolvidas. Portanto, para oferecer uma solução mais diversificada que as atuais (ex. Mininet ou vEmulab). Este artigo propõe o vSDNEmul, uma alternativa de emulador de redes SDN onde os nós são baseados em contêineres. Além disso, o artigo também descreve a sua arquitetura e API.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

vSDNBox: Um Hardware Especializado de Baixo Custo Gerenciado via SDN

Os switches whitebox vêm sendo uma alternativa vantajosa para o plano de dados SDN. Eles permitem tanto a redução nas despesas como também a ampliação dos níveis de heterogeneidade de fabricantes na infraestrutura de rede. Recentes ferramentas possibilitaram que os whiteboxes baseados em software-switches pudessem ampliar seus desempenhos apenas com otimizações feitas via softwares abertos em hardwares genéricos. A partir disso, propõe-se o vSDNBox, uma alternativa de whitebox software-switched para redes definidas por software, capaz de reduzir ainda mais os custos e ampliar o desempenho através de seu gerenciamento e otimizações feitas via software no espaço do usuário. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que a proposta consegue ter um desempenho igual ou aproximado de um whitebox hardwareswitched através de avaliações de vazão e latência.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Topology resilience enhancement for software defined networks

Software Defined Networks is a paradigm that flexibilizes the management of networking, separating the control and forwarding planes. This separation introduces new concerns towards the resilience of the network, which now presents different vulnerabilities related to the interaction between these planes. A resilience factor for Software Defined Networks is proposed, using multiple metrics to analyze intrinsic features of its architecture, serving as an indication for its resilience. Beyond that, topological augmentation algorithms are employed to increase the resilience of test topologies, as indicated by the proposed factor. Tests results demonstrate an improvement of the topologies’ resilience characteristics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Fator de Resiliência para Aprimoramento Topológico em Redes Definidas por Software

Redes Definidas por Software é um paradigma que exibilizaa gerência de redes de computadores ao separar os planos de controle e de dados. Essa separação introduz novas preocupações quanto a resiliência da rede, que passa a apresentar diferentes vulnerabilidades relacionadas a interação entre os planos. É proposto um fator de resiliência para Redes Definidas por Software, utilizando múltiplas métricas para analisar características intrínsecas da arquitetura, servindo como indicativo de resiliência da rede. Além disso, algoritmos de aprimoramento topológico são empregados para aperfeiçoar a resiliência das topologias utilizadas. Os resultados de monstram melhoria nas características de resiliência.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Busca de caminhos como serviço em vSDNs

As Redes virtuais Definidas por Software (vSDNs) são a junção de SDN e Virtualização. Neste contexto, o hipervisor de rede é responsável pela gestão da rede física, enquanto a rede SDN não virtualizada mantém esta função no controlador. Este artigo apresenta o Search Path, um buscador de caminhos baseado em grafos que evita traduções desnecessárias entre o hipervisor de rede e os controladores no contexto de vSDNs. A fatia encaminhada pelo hipervisor de rede é recebida pelo Search Path em forma de grafos, facilitando o desenvolvimento de lógicas de encaminhamento específicas para cada rede, através da manipulação de grafos. Os testes realizados demonstram que o Search Path possui resultados melhores quando comparado com hipervisor de rede e controlador tradicionais.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Tag-and-Forward: A source-routing enabled data plane for OpenFlow Fat-Tree Networks

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has turned the Data Center Network (DCN) environment into a more flexible one by decoupling control plane from data plane, allowing an innovative and easily extensible network management solutions. Nowadays, OpenFlow is the most successful protocol for SDN. However, SDN based on OpenFlow protocol presents performance issues on forwarding table increasing and packet match cost. Our proposal named Tag-and-Forward (TF) is a data plane that reduces the number of flow table required in the Fat-Tree software-defined DCNs to optimize forwarding. The results noticebly outperformed RTT and packet transmission rate when compared to usual OpenFlow data plane.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

On the Benchmarking Mainstream Open Software-Defined Networking Controllers

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been one of the most successfull networking model over the past few years. The model decouples the network control and forwarding functions enabling the underlying infrastructure complexity to be programmed by applications. Although control plane is the cern for all the benefits, it is also the most crucial drawback of the SDN model to keep up working. Therefore, this paper presents a performance analysis on mainstream open-source SDN controllers. The results show that a well-perfomed control plane not only depends on controller throughput and response time, but also relies on topology discovery time. Our results show that Beacon controller has the highest performance on controller troughput because it uses multicore feature better than others. However, there is a few difference on topology building delay when compared to ONOS, Floodlight and OpenDaylight, which are also Java-based controllers. The worst one is Ryu for building network topology.

Periódicos, Publicação

Uma estratégia para o serviço de cálculo de caminhos em redes definidas por software

O paradigma de redes definidas por software (SDN) está sendo investigado como a solução mais promissora para o atual engessamento da internet, uma vez que propõe a dissociação entre o plano de dados e o plano de controle, proporcionando maior programabilidade às redes de computadores. No entanto, ainda há lacunas em serviços disponíveis nessa arquitetura, dentre as quais se observa o serviço de cálculos de caminhos, que não está evoluindo consideravelmente entre os controladores. Por exemplo, a reserva de recursos, a partir dos requisitos necessários de cada aplicação, permanece como um desafio a ser vencido. Este artigo apresenta uma estratégia de cálculo de caminhos para redes SDN. O objetivo é oferecer um serviço mais flexível no estabelecimento de fluxos OpenFlow, além de possibilitar restrições determinísticas de qualidade vindas das aplicações. A proposta contribui também com uma arquitetura que pode ser aplicada a controladores SDN, um algoritmo de busca, baseado em uma métrica de qualidade de serviço (QoS), e uma análise de desempenho, mostrando que o algoritmo é capaz de minimizar o tempo de busca, processamento e consumo de memória pelo controlador na rede SDN.

Periódicos, Publicação

NVP: A Network Virtualization Proxy for Software Defined Networking

The combination of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) can improve the control and utilization of network resources. However, this issue still requires proper solutions to virtualize large-scale networks, which would allow the use of SDN and Virtualization in real environments.Thus, this paper proposes a virtualization architecture for SDN that relies on a proxy-based approach. The NVP (Network Virtualization Proxy) is a virtualization proxy that intercepts messages exchanged between controllers and switches SDN enabling network virtualization. An implementation of the proposal was developed as a proof of concept and load testing was performed showing that the solution can provide network virtualization in a scalable manner, using less than 2.5 MB of memory to manage 100 switches performing simultaneous requests, whereas FlowVisor requires more than 200 MB.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Model of organization and distribution of applications for software defined networks: SDNrepo

One way to provide more flexibility for computer networks is through software defined networks (SDN). This paradigm supports network applications, whose behavior is defined by the controllers. However, management applications SDN is a solution under explored, such applications are scattered in various repositories codes on-line, or are still embedded in the factory switches. This article proposes a model of organization and distribution of applications, called SDNrepo, may specify and model all the way that applications must do to reach the end user, in this case the controllers.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

RepoSDN: An repository organization and coordination method of software defined networks applications

This paper describes the experience of RNP, the Brazilian research and education network, in creating a large scale research facility for experimentation on Future Internet as a member of the FIBRE (Future Internet testbeds experimentation between BRazil and Europe) project. Its main goal is to create common space between Brazil and EU for Future Internet experimental research into network infrastructure and distributed applications, by building and operating a federated EU-Brazil Future Internet experimental facility. The FIBRE testbed is currently composed by a federation of 13 local testbeds (a.k.a. experimental islands), located in different R&E organizations. The FIBRE infrastructure combines heterogeneous physical resources and different technologies, including OpenFlow, wireless and optical communications. We also present the architecture of FIBRE, which allows users to access the testbed through an integrated interface for either experimental or control planes, and provides a common access to the different underlying Control and Monitoring Frameworks (CMFs) for Future Internet experimentation

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Additions to the ETArch control plane to support multimedia QoS-guaranteed content transport over OpenFlow-enabled SDN future internet systems

The Future Internet approach requires new solutions to support novel usage scenarios driven by the technological evolution and the new service demands. However, this paradigm shift requires deeper changes in the existing systems, which makes Internet providers reluctant in deploying the full transformation required for the Future Internet. The Entity Title Architecture (ETArch) is a holistic clean-slate Future Internet system embedding new services for these scenarios leveraging the Software Defined Networking (SDN) concept materialized by the OpenFlow. However, legacy ETArch deploys a fully per-flow approach to provision the same transport model for all sessions (equivalent to the Internet best-effort), while suffering with performance drawbacks and lacking Quality of Service (QoS) control. To that, we evolved ETArch with SMART (Support of Mobile Sessions with High Transport Network Resource Demand) QoS control approach, which coordinates admission control and dynamic control of super-dimensioned resources to accommodate multimedia sessions with QoS-guaranteed over time, while keeping scalability/performance and users with full Quality of Experience (QoE). The SMART-enabled ETArch system evaluation was carried out using a real Testbed of the OFELIA Brazilian Island, confirming its benefits in both data and control planes over the legacy ETArch.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Filling the gap between Software Defined Networking and Wireless Mesh Networks

Software Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a new paradigm that highly increase the network management flexibility through simple but powerful abstractions. The key idea is decoupling the control plane, which makes the forward decisions, from the data plane, which effectively makes the forward. However, the OpenFlow, the main SDN enabler, is designed mainly by wired networks characteristics. As consequence, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is not suitable for operating as control plane and many wireless networks features are neglected in the OpenFlow, e.g.: power control and network ID. In addition, there are few effort research to extend SDN to wireless networks and these existing works focus on very specific issues of this integration. In this paper, we propose an architecture to extent the OpenFlow functionalities in order to proper deal with wireless networks, including an approach for transporting the control plane over wireless multihop networks. The extensions include new rules, actions, and commands, which bring the network management flexibility to the wireless context. We validated our proposal by implementing and testing some extensions in a small real world testbed. As a proof of concept, we illustrate the OpenFlow capability of isolation between research and production traffics in a wireless backhaul.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Flowvisorqos: Aperfeicoando o flowvisor para aprovisionamento e recursos em redes virtuais definidas por software

. On the context of OpenFlow networks, the FlowVisor has emerged as a tool to enable the network virtualization, creating an environment for running multiple concurrent and independent experiments. However, this solution still has some limitations, such as the definition of mechanisms to allocate resources to different virtual networks. Although newer versions of the tool allow the queue assignment network slice, to provide resource control among them, device configurations are on the dependency of external tools. Therefore, this article aims to propose a solution to extend the FlowVisor functionality, creating a structure to allow traffic control configuration parameters in the network device, to ensure resource isolation and interference mitigation between the different virtual networks.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Control of multiple packet schedulers for improving QoS on OpenFlow/SDN networking

Packet scheduling is essential to properly support applications on Software-Defined Networking (SDN) model. However, on OpenFlow/SDN, QoS is only performed with bandwidth guarantees and by a well-known FIFO scheduling. Facing this limitation, this paper presents the QoSFlow proposal, which controls multiple packet schedulers of Linux kernel and improve the flexibility of QoS control. The paper assesses QoSFlow performance, by analysing response time of packet scheduler operations running on datapath level, maximum bandwidth capacity, hardware resource utilization rate, bandwidth isolation and QoE. Our outcomes show an increase more than 48% on PSNR value of QoE by using SFQ scheduling.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Cim-sdn: A common information model extension for software-defined networking

The increase in complexity of computer networks and their services have boosted the development of standardizations, models, and solutions for network management over the years. Lately, the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) defined the Common Information Model (CIM) for describing computational entities and businesses on the Internet. This paper proposes an extension of the CIM for Software-Defined Networking (SDN) by adding new elements (Controllers, Apps, Slices and others) to improve the system management performance. Furthermore, we define a metamodel to help the process of creating and understanding the proposed model. The proposal was validated by creating a script that generates the FlowVisor configuration file using the network model as input and using Object Constraint Language (OCL) to find inconsistencies in the network.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Integrating legacy forwarding environment to OpenFlow/SDN control plane

Currently, there is a philosophical problem that arises between the real need for current support to OpenFlow and legacy network infrastructure. Among them, the legacy networking has not been compatible with OpenFlow network, and for that, it needs to be replaced or a few cases upgraded, as a consequence there are additional spending with new equipment OpenFlow-based. This paper introduces a proposal of hybrid SDN solution based on OpenFlow protocol and called of LegacyFlow, which is able to control Legacy equipment (non-OpenFlow) through OpenFlow protocol 1.0. Results show that it is possible used the LegacyFlow together with OpenFlow switches keeping a good performance time with OpenFlow application.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Uma proposta de arquitetura para o provisionamento de circuitos dinâmicos sobre redes definidas por software

The OpenFlow technology enables the creation of a programmable layer over the control-plane of a network, in this way dictating the data-plane forwarding behaviour through the use of applications plugged to a network controller. Dynamic Circuit Network is an architecture that permits the scheduling of network resources on virtual circuits, such as bandwidth, over multiple domains with heterogeneous technologies. Recently, researches were conducted in order to integrate both technologies so that dynamic circuits can be dynamically provisioned over OpenFlow domains. The objective of this work is to propose an architecture that enables such provision, maintaining the QoS requisites of a DCN architecture.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Ipsflow–uma proposta de sistema de prevençao de intrusao baseado no framework openflow

The ideal Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is the one that detects malicious traffic across the network and blocks it at its source. Conventional IPSs do not meet these requirements satisfactorily, because when operating in active mode cannot have a wide coverage on the network and just block the passing traffic. And while catching mirrored traffic, it can only block it when working together with switches from the same solution or vendor. In this scenario, this paper presents IPSFlow, an IPS solution for selective and distributed capture with automated blocking of malicious traffic based on OpenFlow.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A mobile qoe architecture for heterogeneous multimedia wireless networks

One of the main requirements in this emerging wireless multimedia era is the Quality of Experience (QoE) assurance for 2D or 3D video applications in heterogeneous multi-operator environments. Therefore, this paper proposes a QoE Architecture for Heterogeneous Multimedia Wireless Networks, called QoEHand. QoEHand extends the Media Independent Handover (MIH)/IEEE 802.21 proposal with QoEawareness, seamless mobility, dynamic class of service mapping and a set of content adaptation schemes. The proposed solution allows the best connection and considers the QoE needs of mobile clients and available wireless resources in IEEE 802.11e and IEEE 802.16e service classes. Simulation experiments were carried out to show the impact and benefits of QoEHand on the user´s perception, by using objective and subjective QoE metrics.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Real-time QoE prediction for multimedia applications in wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are being increasingly deployed, there is an increasing demand for new quality assessment mechanisms that allow service operators to evaluate and optimize the utilization of network resources, while ensuring a good quality level on multimedia applications as perceived by end-users. However, existing real-time assessment schemes for WMNs are not capable of capturing the actual quality of received multimedia content with regard to user perception. Therefore, it is not possible to assure the user experience of content services. To address this problem, this paper introduces the Hybrid Quality of Experience (HyQoE) Prediction, which is a quality estimator specially designed to assess realtime multimedia applications. HyQoE is designed based on the framework of the widely used Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA) Tool which exploits Random Neural Network (RNN). Crucial extension work has been implemented to achieve our objectives. A performance evaluation verifies the effectiveness and advantages of HyQoE in predicting users’ perception of multimedia content in WMNs over existing subjective and hybrid methods.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A proposal management of the legacy network environment using OpenFlow control plane

The Future Internet will arise from the convergence of new network concepts and combine technologies, services, media and content. It will offer flexibility and diversity with scalable content and services that are accessible through a wide range of interfaces and devices. However, the biggest challenge now is how to enable and test the proposed approaches so that they can be validated without sacrificing the current production infrastructure. The OpenFlow protocol allows production networking environments such as campus networks, metropolitan networks or R&D networks, to be used as experimental infrastructure hosting, future Internet architectures, software and protocols, in parallel with the production traffic. During rollout, there is a practical problem that arises with Legacy networks that do not support OpenFlow and need to be replaced/upgraded or refined by means of costly network re-engineering. This paper proposes a new OpenFlow architecture with new components, capable of managing Legacynon-OpenFlow elements by offering a new solution that facilitates the management of Legacy technologies and allows them to be employed in FI experimentation environment and increase the number of experiment with the Legacy Network Environment using OpenFlow control.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Video quality estimator for wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been increasingly deployed, where users can share, create and access videos with different characteristics, the need for new quality estimator mechanisms has become important because operators want to control the quality of video delivery and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user satisfaction. However, the development of in-service Quality of Experience (QoE) estimation schemes for Internet videos (e.g., real-time streaming and gaming) with different complexities, motions, Group of Picture (GoP) sizes and contents remains a significant challenge and is crucial for the success of wireless multimedia systems. To address this challenge, we propose a real-time quality estimator approach, HyQoE, for real-time multimedia applications. The performance evaluation in a WMN scenario demonstrates the high accuracy of HyQoE in estimating the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Moreover, the results highlight the lack of performance of the well-known objective methods and the Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA) approach.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

FHDRA: Uma Proposta para Reduçao da Latência de Handoff Layer-3 em Redes Sem Fio de Multiplos Saltos

Nos últimos anos houve expressivo esforço em prol de soluções de mobilidade para redes sem fio tradicionais, tais como redes de celulares e IEEE 802.11. Outro tipo de rede sem fio que vem se destacando mais recentemente são as redes de múltiplos saltos. Porém a questão da mobilidade neste tipo de rede não é uma simples extensão das redes sem fio tradicionais. Assim, são necessárias soluções específicas de mobilidade que atendam os requisitos dessas novas redes. Visando este objetivo, o presente trabalho propõe uma adaptação ao DHCP, voltado para redes sem fio de múltiplos saltos. A proposta agrega inteligência ao agente DHCP relay, tornando-o capaz de acelerar o processo de configuração de endereço IP aos clientes móveis durante o handoff.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

IPSFlow–uma proposta de IPS distribuído para captura e bloqueio seletivo de tráfego malicioso em redes definidas por software

Os tradicionais sistemas de prevenção de intrusão (Intrusion Prevention Systems–IPS) possuem limitações em sua atuação. Quando operam no modo ativo, não possuem uma ampla cobertura na rede, e quando capturam tráfego espelhado, só bloqueiam o tráfego malicioso se atuarem em conjunto com equipamentos de rede do mesmo fabricante ou solução. Neste contexto, propomos neste artigo o IPSFlow, um framework de IPS para Redes Definidas por Software (Software Defined Networks-SDN) que, através do protocolo Openflow, possibilita a criação de um IPS com ampla cobertura na rede, permitindo a captura seletiva e o bloqueio automatizado de tráfego malicioso o mais próximo de sua origem, através da combinação dos resultados de diferentes técnicas de análise de tráfego.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A parametric QoE video quality estimator for Wireless Networks

The development of real-time quality estimator schemes for emerging Internet videos with different content types remains a significant challenge and is crucial for the success of wireless multimedia systems. However, currently in-service assessment schemes fail in capturing subjective aspects of multimedia content related to the user perception. Therefore, this paper proposes an on-the-fly parametric video quality estimator approach (called MultiQoE) for real-time video streaming applications. Experiments in a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) scenario were carried out to show the accuracy, benefit, and impact of MultiQoE compared to widely used Quality of Experience (QoE) subjective, objective and parametric methods.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

A hybrid prediction and assessment quality of experience approach for videostreaming applications over wireless mesh networks

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been increasingly deployed, the need of new quality measurement schemes became essential since operators want to control and optimize their network resources, while keeping users of multimedia applications with a good quality level. However, currently WMN in-service assessment schemes fails in capturing subjective aspects of real-time multimedia content related to the user perception. Therefore, this paper proposes a new on-the-fly quality estimator approach, called Hybrid Quality of Experience (HyQoE) Prediction, for real-time videostreaming applications. Moreover, performance evaluation results present the benefits and accuracy of HyQoE in predicting the user perception compared to well-know subjective and objective methods in a WMN scenario.

Artigos de Conferência, Publicação

Mecanismo para aprovisionamento dinâmico e escalável em redes em malha sem fio para suporte de aplicações com alta demanda de recursos

The success of mobile and ubiquitous computing, coupled with the increasing demand for applications with high Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements, has brought great challenges to the future access networks. Thus, wireless mesh networks distinguish due to its flexibility, redundancy, low-cost and broadband capacity. However, aspects as scalability, availability and reliability, are still challenging. Following the limitations of existing proposals, this paper proposes the Multi-Service Resource Allocation in Wireless Mesh Networks (MIRA-WMN) for provisioning resources of wireless mesh networks compliant with IEEE 802.11 e/s standard. The MIRA-WMN proposes a single solution to integrate QoS control and connectivity resources to support multi-user sessions with high requirements. The MIRA-WMN was evaluated by simulations, which demonstrated its benefits in the data and control plane, as well as user’s perception.